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Friday, March 05, 2010


For about a month now here in Kenya, a prominent TV hostess has dominated news headlines for resigning her job and declaring her candidature in the political arena come 2012. She was reported to have cancelled her marriage plans but rescinded it after she'd been arrested by the local police and later handed-over to a famous local psychiatrist perhaps by her worried parents. She is now reported to have been thinking to sue her parents jointly with the local media.
My own analysis of this circus is that this is a classic case of parents, now a global phenomena mostly affecting the well-off and busy parents, living with their children for decades but failing to  decipher their REAL personalities and character. The hitherto lack of a credible personality formula aggravated this situation.
Luckily, with the advent of the Personality Reading Formula, you don't have to humiliate anybody by taking them  to a psychiatrist. All that parents need to do is to send us photographs of their children, and or the vice versa, and we shall reveal their personalities in real time.
In brief, Arunga's case would have been easily handled  by a personality expert rather than a psychiatrist. To me Ms Arunga is a sober and a highly independent-minded and rational lady capable of taking whatever personal decisions and facing resultant risks maturely. But of course it is morally wanting to imagine suing one's parents. For more information visit personalitywizard.com.

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